I have been drinking this every morning, this week. Yes, I know the photo looks like a rhino hide, but it is delicious. Mix it up – use coconut water instead of milk, etc. I just made one with 1.5 cups of coconut water ,no almond milk and 5 spinach leaves. It all tastes good. […]
Matcha Green Tea Frappé
I have been trying to give up coffee and I LOVE this! You asked, so here it is – the original matcha frappe recipe. I am instantly nicer once I drink it. Plus, I’m certain it’s good for me. I watched a video on productivity and it stated that green tea is great for your […]
Mango Matcha Frappé
I love this. I could drink it all day long. It gives me a caffeine boost while also being good for me. The antioxidants from the green tea, the electrolytes from the coconut water, and other things I AM SURE! Plus, it’s all creamy and gloopy and yummy to drink. This is inspired a Renee […]
Blueberry Coconut Smoothie
Day 56: This smoothie is so refreshing. I love it. My husband came in with a bottle of organic coconut water the other day, saying he thought I’d like it. I do! I was excited because it meant I could make this smoothie, which has been bookmarked for ages. It is adapted from the Green […]
Warm Cashew Cinnamon Milk
Day 40: Blimey, I’m steaming through this thing! (That pun almost pass you by? Actually, not quite steaming as it is a raw-ish drink) Already two-thirds of the way through. I feel great. Okay, the recipe I was following (but, obviously not), is one-gone-wrong-but-oh-so-right. I’ll post the correct one another time; this one is worth […]
Almond Milk
Day 12 – Today I made almond milk. Yes, I am a person who now not only drinks, but makes, almond milk. I am not sure how I feel about this but, I have to say, it tasted delicious, particularly when I make my raw hot chocolate. This is adapted from Kris Carr’s Crazy Sexy […]
Coconut Green Juice
Coconut Green Juice aka The Elixir of Life Can you tell how proud I am? I cut open the coconut with my new cleaver. I had tried, once before, on a coconut purchased from Chinatown and from which I had already drunk the water. I almost broke my knife in the attempt! This time, I […]
Raw Hot Chocolate
I have been making this every day since I discovered it on My New Roots. This drink makes me so happy and energized. I have modified it, as I did not have Maca or some of the other ingredients, and I used less milk, so it is very chocolate-y. My Maca will be arriving soon […]
The Best Brussel Sprouts Dish, Ever!
I never go back for seconds of Brussel sprouts with a smile; they are a food I know is good for me and therefore I eat them. Until now. This dish is delicious!...
Raw Pumpkin Pie Redux!
Okay, I gave this another go. Changed the base, hoping to make it less sweet and finding a way to harden the pie without freezing it by mistake (which is what...
Grilled Eggplant
Yes, I know I said I prefer the term ‘aubergine’ as they do in the UK, BUT ‘eggplant’ flows better from the word...