I never go back for seconds of Brussel sprouts with a smile; they are a food I know is good for me and therefore I eat them. Until now. This dish is delicious! It is adapted from The Vegan Road by the amazing Patrick McGilvray. He is an avid athlete and studied plant-based nutrition at […]
Raw Pumpkin Pie Redux!

Okay, I gave this another go. Changed the base, hoping to make it less sweet and finding a way to harden the pie without freezing it by mistake (which is what I did last time!) Much better this time. I dehydrated the base but you can still harden the base by placing it in the […]
Grilled Eggplant

Yes, I know I said I prefer the term ‘aubergine’ as they do in the UK, BUTÂ ‘eggplant’ flows better from the word ‘grilled.’ Okay? Whatever you call it, this way of cooking it, is delicious. Again, a recipe incorporating one of the herbs I am growing on my NYC windowsill. This would be great […]

The Best Brussel Sprouts Dish, Ever!
I never go back for seconds of Brussel sprouts with a smile; they are a food I know is good for me and therefore I eat them. Until now. This dish is delicious!...

Raw Pumpkin Pie Redux!
Okay, I gave this another go. Changed the base, hoping to make it less sweet and finding a way to harden the pie without freezing it by mistake (which is what...

Grilled Eggplant
Yes, I know I said I prefer the term ‘aubergine’ as they do in the UK, BUTÂ ‘eggplant’ flows better from the word...