Main Dishes, Recipes, Salads

Quinoa with Avocado and Corn

Day 42: The dressing for this is delicious and really zingy. Okay, I did not have corn but I had the rest, and I figure you could substitute just about anything with a dressing like this.

Quinoa with Avocado and CornIt’s funny, a few years ago I had not even heard of quinoa, let alone be able to say it correctly. Now I can’t get enough of the stuff. Lucky for me, it’s a superfood.

This is from Kimberly Snyder’s The Beauty Detox Solution. She suggests serving it on top of spinach, which sounds like a good idea, but I gobbled it up straight from the bowl! (it was late, I was hungry…)


1 1/2 cups dry organic quinoa
3 cups water
Raw kernals of 2 ears organic corn (preferable white, if available) shaves right from the cob
2 avocados, sliced and cut into 1-inch pieces (Hass are my faves)
3 Tbs finely chopped red onion (I used white – it’s all I had!)

Dressing Ingredients:
1 Tbs fresh lemon juice (I use Santa Cruz Organic Lemon Juice)
1 Tbs olive oil
2 Tbs Bragg Liquie Amions or low-sodium tamari (I used the Bragg’s)
1 Tbs brown rice vinegar (I used white forgetting I had bought some brown the other day)


Pre-prep: Soak the quinoa over night and rinse well before using. You’ll see it will have started to sprout.

In a saucepan bring the water to a boil. Reduce the heat, add the quinoa and simmer until the water has been absorbed  and the grains become translucent and soft (about 10/15 mins). Pour the quinoa through a strainer and set it aside in a bowl.

Blend all the dressing ingredients together in a blender until smooth (I shook them up in my trusty screw-top jar), or simply add them to a small bowl and whisk well with a fork.

Add the kernals of corn to the quinoa with the avocado and chopped onion. Mix well. Pour the dressing over and mix again.

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