
Fourth Week Check-in – Energy

I cannot believe I am already half way through this challenge.

blue_energyI began this challenge to see if I would become more energized. As a new mother, I need to increase my energy wherever I can! I have to say, this week I noticed there were a couple of days when I had so much energy I was bouncing off the walls! Ah, what a nice feeling. I didn’t even mind not being able to fall asleep because I felt so alive with energy. I would like this to be more consistent. We’ll see how this develops for the rest of my challenge.

You know, it’s  not just energy, it is happiness.

My caffeine intake has remained the same – higher than I’d like – and my exercise level has remained the same – lower than I’d like. I would like to exercise more, but consistently broken nights make this a real challenge – perhaps that will by my next 60-day challenge! Who will join me? Post below so we can motivate each other (oh no, what have I just done?)

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